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Whatever state of mind you find yourself in, rather than focussing on the content or the description of it and all the mental/ emotional associations you may have about it, just let yourself feel the sheer presence of the experience you’re describing, the energy and vitality of it. Let yourself swim in the open-ended indefinable aliveness that it is. Just ride the waves of that energy.
The miraculous, impossible to fully describe energy of life that is always present, appearing as all the myriad phenomena we encounter.

John Astin

That which is undoubtedly here yet utterly inconceivable.

What seekers are seeking is not ‘out there’ beyond but right here, right now before everything, even prior to the seeker and the sought.

Nothing is fixed or stable including us and our fantastical flights of fancy about identity and self.

There is no mistaking the raw actuality of this moment, right here, right now. Everything else is fantasy.

If we attend closely and carefully enough we can observe how we take refuge and hide and imprison ourselves in emotion, however painful or unpleasant they may be.

All forms reveal emptiness and emptiness reveals all forms. Not two, not oneness, just difference unseparated.