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Listen, trust and learn from yourself. Ultimately we are our own best teachers.

I have nothing to say and I am saying it and that is poetry as I need it.

John Cage

Shifting out of our world of images and stories about ourselves and the world is simple but hard, because there are no images or stories of being without an image or story.

If we are anything we may say we are fields of potentiality.

We can discover everything we need to know about ourselves by observing how we behave when no one is looking.

The non dual condition is fundamentally paradoxical. As quantum phenomena are real but make no sense, the non dual perspective confounds its own actuality. It is formless yet revealed by and as form. It is empty yet abundantly full. There is no there there yet it’s actuality is apparent by it’s absence.
It defies all meaning as there is nothing to hang anything onto. It asserts itself by denying itself.
Nothing to see yet everything revealed.