‘Awareness’ is a word that points to the seeing that is never divided into seer and seen.
Joan Tollifson
Walking into each moment without history or expectation.
The only way one really gets any of the most important benefits of meditation practice is by giving up on the notion that there are any benefits to meditation practice.
Brad Warner
Enlightenment is the end of the one who cares about being enlightened or unenlightened.
What is beyond doubt takes no effort to maintain.
“The entirety of practical spirituality consists of distinguishing fantasy from actuality.
Spirituality is the art of distinguishing fantasy from actuality
The entirety of practical spirituality consists of distinguishing fantasy from actuality. The spiritual problem consists of not being able to distinguish fantasy from actuality… It’s not that fantasy is bad, it’s not that fantasy is wrong, and it’s not that imagination needs to be squelched or repressed. It just needs to be seen as it is for what it is.
Peter Brown
This. This, that is utterly inconceivable and yet totally obvious and impossible to avoid.
Joan Tollifson
Thoughts are stories. Emotions are energy. Connect the two and cling to either or both creates suffering. To see through them and show their essential transient nature reveals the pristine neutral clarity of open empty awareness which precedes all experience.