We can discover everything we need to know about ourselves by observing how we behave when no one is looking.
We can discover everything we need to know about ourselves by observing how we behave when no one is looking.
The universe includes us but isn’t about us.
Others suffer because we suffer.
Everything minus the ego.
The non dual condition is fundamentally paradoxical. As quantum phenomena are real but make no sense, the non dual perspective confounds its own actuality. It is formless yet revealed by and as form. It is empty yet abundantly full. There is no there there yet it’s actuality is apparent by it’s absence.
It defies all meaning as there is nothing to hang anything onto. It asserts itself by denying itself.
Nothing to see yet everything revealed.
‘Awareness’ is a word that points to the seeing that is never divided into seer and seen.
Joan Tollifson
Walking into each moment without history or expectation.
The only way one really gets any of the most important benefits of meditation practice is by giving up on the notion that there are any benefits to meditation practice.
Brad Warner
Enlightenment is the end of the one who cares about being enlightened or unenlightened.