“Feel your feet on the ground – listen and look.”

John Butler

Awareness includes everything and clings to nothing. We might call that unconditional love.

Joan Tollifson

Who exactly are you filing that complaint with?

What does the statement: ‘I deserve…(insert what you think you deserve) actually mean?

In the the condition of empty awareness, when the illusion of ego self is clearly seen through, what needs to be done next becomes miraculously clear and free from hesitation.

Difference without separation.

Thinking negatively, thinking positively - it’s still all just magical thinking and prone to the natural transience of all things.

Nothing special. Ordinary awareness in the midst of life.

There is nothing we can think that can solve the problems that thought creates.

We love to meet the stories we hear with our own stories instead of just sharing the truth of what is here now for all of us.

See through the leading character (the ego) in our story and the whole narrative collapses.

You Don’t Have To Suffer Anymore

You Don’t Have To Suffer Anymore

No path, no way, no method, no technique that endures. Everything changes. Only the ever present raw actuality of this moment reveals the empty abundance of open awareness.

This timeless present moment of eternal reality right now reveals everything we need to know about our fantasies of the past and of the future.

We can recognise a great teaching to be true when it points away from itself to the heart of truth within all of us.

Buddhism isn’t about becoming a Buddhist or even Buddhism. It’s about recognising the nature of your own mind, on your own evidence, in your own life, in your own way. In Zen it is said ‘Zen washes away Zen.’ You find your true self, not another belief system.