This seemed like a suitable companion for the cold and dark drive to work this morning. “Dark and long…” 😉 🎵

“Zen is feeling life, not something about life.”

— Alan Watts


Experience without language. Wordless being. 🧘‍♂️

Thoughts and feelings are not a problem. Believing they are is. 🧘‍♂️

Can’t believe it’s a year since I last watched Luke Littler in the final of the PDC World Championship. Can he win it this time…?

Such a lot has happened in the past 12 months. I’m sitting in a different house for a start!

“Human memory, driven by emotional self-interest, goes to extraordinary lengths to provide evidence to back up whatever understanding of the world we have our hearts set on—however removed that may be from reality.”

— David Shields

“Remembering and fiction-making are virtually indistinguishable.”

“Remembering his country, he imagined it.”

— David Shields

“I know of nothing more difficult than knowing who you are and having the courage to share the reasons for the catastrophe of your character with the world.”

— David Shields

Really want to read this (and watch the companion documentary on Amazon). David Shields is one of my favourite writers. I quote him often.

She made it through another year but not sure she’ll make another one…


It’s cold outside but not in here.

Just checking the weather for the next couple of days and it looks like I could quite easily get snow stranded at work!

Tucking into my favourite Xmas present.

Probably the most underrated feeling or state of mind that contributes subtlety but most powerfully to mental health and contentment is gratitude. There is always something to be grateful for. Even if it’s for something you don’t have, like chronic pain for instance. A bad day can always be worse.


The fire is slowly dying for the night…

So here we go with… Haven’t the faintest how I’ll use it or if I even will. First impressions seem to indicate that it lends itself to informal, quick content but we’ll see I guess…

We become what we give our attention to.

Let the nettle sting be. Who are we to claim it as ours?

When we truly lose the overbearing sense of a self, what is left naturally inclines towards others.