Open. Open to what is. Open to what is not. Open to everything and open to nothing at all. Open to life and open to death. Open, open, open…

Whatsoever is your attitude towards life will be your attitude towards death…

What is the Zen attitude towards death?

None of this is about happiness or sadness, joy or sorrow, hope or despair per se. It is whatever we find when we attend to this, and this moment only, free from any ideas about what should or should not be here.

This includes us but is not about us.

The ordinary. The everyday. The shit on my shoe.

Break the identification with thought and there is simply what is, and that includes thought too.

To say that one is ‘spiritual’ is just more identification with something, sometimes any ‘thing’ that will do.

Spirituality points away from itself to that which defies identification, that only we can recognise for ourselves free from all descriptions, ideas and even traditions.

What is sought is not beyond.

It is that which is already fully present before anything.

Before joy, before sadness, before pain, before bliss, before beauty and before horror.

Before Buddhism, before Zen, before Adviata, before Dzogchen, before non-duality.

That which allows for the coming and going of everything and nothing before, before before…